What You Will

Another Burma Shave billboard on the information superhighway. Random thoughts about arts, faith, culture, music, language, literature, and the shortcomings of the Hegelian dialectic. (OK, just kidding about that last bit.)

My Photo
Location: Edmonds, Washington, United States

I wonder what goes in this space?


Three chords and four Hail Marys

Nice piece here from the Archdiocese of Seattle about my gospel bluegrass band, The Priest and the Publicans. Well, it's mostly about our banjo player, Fr. Armando Guzman. Not many bluegrass bands have a priest on the banjo — or anywhere, for that matter.

The other night I told Armando about the first time I saw a banjo-playing priest. It was roughly 20 years ago at the Newman Center in Tucson, near the University of Arizona. Armando's response: "Yeah, I know that guy." Turns out it was that priest who got Armando started "pickin' five," as they say.

What a wacky world.