What You Will

Another Burma Shave billboard on the information superhighway. Random thoughts about arts, faith, culture, music, language, literature, and the shortcomings of the Hegelian dialectic. (OK, just kidding about that last bit.)

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Location: Edmonds, Washington, United States

I wonder what goes in this space?


Messin' with the kid

Since my Facebook account went poof ... 

Someone used my Amazon account to order a couple of Apple watches to be sent to an Amazon locker in Bremerton, WA. 

Someone changed the phone number on my eBay account and used it to list both a Ford F150 and a John Deere mini-excavator for sale. 

Someone changed the language setting on my LinkedIn account to Chinese. 

I've performed virus scans on all my devices including my phone and come up empty. I admit I'm guilty of using the same login information on multiple sites, so my working theory is that someone obtained that login info from a data breach and tried it in multiple locations. The effect thus far is more on the prankster/annoyance level than the serious cybercrime level. But still. 

I spent some time the other day changing passwords that Google told me were "weak" and trying to make sure the stolen password is no longer in use on any of my accounts. 

But all of this makes me think there's a chance the same person got into my Facebook account and posted something untoward that triggered the algorithm to shut it down. And that goes far beyond the annoyance level. 

I've sent email to three different Facebook addresses to try to get a human being to look at the account. Thus far, crickets. 


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